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Registration problems

Here is a list of common issues related to registering for the site:

1. My card is not being accepted:
The authorisation for payment is done by your card issuer via the internet payment gateway on the site. If your payment is declined, you need to discuss this with your card issuer.

2. I registered, but did not get an email:
In most cases, this happens when the email address is mistyped in the registration form. To retrieve your login details, use the password reminder facility.

3. I registered, but the password reminder facility does not recognise my email address:
In this case, you need to email support@orthoteers.org and include your name, address, and email address you used to register for the site. It would be helpful if you could also supply the date and time when you registered.

4. I want to register for an institutional access account:
You need to contact enquiries@orthoteers.org to set up organisational accounts.

5. I tried registering using my organisational code, but the site says that the organsation has run out of credits:
If this happens, you need to contact the administrator of the organisation, and they should be able to purchase more credits to allow you to register.

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