Rotator Cuff Surgery: Outcomes - CC Tai 14/11/2000
Outcome of Surgical Repair
Packer NC, Calvert PT, Bayley JIL,
Kessel L
Operative treatment of chronic ruptures of the rotator cuff of the shoulder
J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1983 Mar; 65(2): 171-5
63 operative repairs of chronic tears in 61 patients. FU average 32.7 mths. Overall 66 - 71% improvement in term of pain relief, restoration of movement, ability to return to activities or work, and patient satisfaction. Thus worthwhile operation but should include an adequate decompression of the subacromial space.
Retrospective study. ?? Definition 'chronic'.
Bigliani LU
, Cordasco FA, Mcilveen SJ, Musso ES
Operative repair of massive rotator cuff tears : long term results
J Shoulder and Elbow Surg. 1992 1: 120-30
Anterior acromioplasty and torn cuff repaired in all cases (inc.18% Subsca and 14% biceps transfer). 61 patients with average FU 7 yrs. Overall 85% patients had satisfactory results. Adequate pain relief and the ability to raise the arm above the horizontal plane were achieved in 92% patients. Important : adequate decompression, integrity of deltoid and avoid extensive debridement.
Prospective trial with favourable long term results.
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