Hip Fracture Classification - Ian McDermott 16/8/2000


[# of head + neck: Pipkin (1957, Kansas City) - femoral head #s]

Waldenstrom (1924)                 Impacted / abduction or displaced / adduction

Pauwels (1935, Stuttgart)         Angle of # line with horizontal

                                    Type I             < 30 o

                                    Type II             30 - 70 o

                                    Type III            > 70 o

Garden (1961, Preston)

According to trabeculae on AP X-ray

                                    Stage I             Incomplete, abducted / impacted

                                    Stage II            Complete, undisplaced (trab. aligned)

                                    Stage III           Complete, partially displaced (trab. not aligned)

                                    Stage IV           Complete, fully displaced (trab. aligned)

                                    NB    Later descriptions esp. American,

                                    Stage III           Complete, < 50% displaced

                                    Stage IV           Complete, > 50% displaced

AO (Muller, 1990)          Based on          level of #

                                                                     Degree of displacement

                                                                      Angle of # line

                                                                      (also includes basal #s)

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