Hip Fracture: Non-operative Mx - Callum Clark 16/8/2000

Operative or Conservative treatment for trochanteric fractures of the femur

R. Hornby, J. Grimley Evans, Valerie Vardon (RVI, Newcastle upon Tyne)

JBJS (Br) 1989; 71-b : 619-23

Excellent PRCT in 106 inter-troch #s with either DHS or traction. Found DHS better, but only because decreased length of stay, and less loss of independence. Complications (eg bed sores) were surprisingly no different.

Treatment of Nondisplaced fractures of the femoral neck

George Bentley (Whilst Professor at Liverpool)

CORR 1980; 152 : 93-101

Literature review, followed by retrospective study of operative vs. non-operative for Garden I # NOF. They should all be fixed with screws to prevent disimpaction. Very small numbers. Often quoted.


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