Fractures of the coronoid process - Sally Tennant 30/1/2001

o Relatively uncommon injury mostly often associated with posterior elbow dislocation (10 %) - secondary to hyperextension with the coronoid either being avulsed by the briachialis muscle or sheared off by the trochlea

o Can occur in isolation - throwing injuries

o Typically associated with other fractures of the olecranon, radial head and medial humeral epicondyle (terrible triad)

o May predispose to recurrent dislocation


Brief MORREY JBJS(A) 1989
Title Fractures of the coronoid process of the ulna
Reference JBJS (A) 1989; 71(9) : 1348 - 1354
Summary Retrospective analysis of 35 patients with coronoid fracture. Assigns classification system for the fracture (I - tip, II - < 50%, III - > 50%) together with recommended treatment and outcome assessment. Non-operative treatment for Type I and II, ORIF for Type III. Least satisfactory results in Type III with only 20 % satisfactory result.
Critique Retrospective analysis. Long time period (1970 - 1987). Treatment changed during assessment period - move towards early mobilisation. Relevance of associated injuries unable to be assessed.

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